令和5年度テーマ展「おおむかしのくらしとSDGs」/ 2023 Thematic Exhibition "Life in the Great Old Days and SDGs”


広報ID1043501  更新日 令和5年9月20日 印刷 

令和5年度テーマ展「おおむかしのくらしとSDGs」 解説資料・音声ガイダンス・英語版パネル

Commentary materials, audio guidance, and English commentary for 2023 Thematic Exhibition "Life in the Great Old Days and SDGs” are posted.

展示会は終了しました。 The exhibition has closed.





Explanation materials, English translation panels, audio guidance, etc. for the 2023 theme exhibition have been posted. Please scan the 2D barcode in the exhibition room with your smartphone or tablet device and use the explanation of the exhibition.

[Precautions for use]

*We do not rent listening equipment. Please use your own device. There are no public WiFi facilities here. Communication costs are the responsibility of the user. *Please use at your own risk. *We are not responsible for any actions taken by users using the content. please note.




教育委員会 遺跡の学び館
〒020-0866 盛岡市本宮字荒屋13-1
電話番号:019-635-6600 ファクス番号:019-635-6605
教育委員会 遺跡の学び館へのお問い合わせは専用フォームをご利用ください。